

Continuing this year is our security system to ensure the safety of all our students and faculty.  Any person wishing to visit any Baltimore County Public School building MUST present a valid photo identification card prior to access to the building.  Our new Raptor system will scan the license and conduct a brief nation-wide violent criminal/sex offender registry check.  If the search produces any type of violent criminal/sex offender flags, that person will be barred access to the school.

This initiative is for the safety of our children as well as the safety of our faculty and visitors to any Baltimore County Public School building.  We would like to thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.

Chaperone & Volunteer Training

All volunteers and chaperones must complete the volunteer application and participate in an orientation/training session annually.

Step 1: Complete the BCPS Application for Volunteer Services.

Step 2: Attend a scheduled BCPS volunteer training at any school or complete the online volunteer orientation.

You will be provided with a certificate once you successfully complete the training.
Step 3:  Submit the application and the valid training certificate to McCormick Elementary.  

Both documents must be submitted at the same time to be accepted and reviewed by the school staff.

Once the application is reviewed and training has been verified, volunteers may be contacted to volunteer at the school. Thank you!